Promoting Peace & Justice (PPJ) Jhalokathi

Weekly activities for the duration of 03 February to 09 February 2023

Facilitation and monitoring of bi-Month Meetings UZLAC:
Through this meeting, it will enhance the capacity, and knowledge of UZLAC members and also increase awareness about their roles and responsibilities. They will review their last two-month activities and set the activity and strategy for the next two months. They will also discuss the field-level situation, problems, and overcoming process.

Facilitation and monitoring bi-Month Meetings of UZLAC:
Md. Siddikur Rahman, Chairman, Nalchity Upazila Parishad, Nalchity, Jhalokathi, 01925-393038, Said that Every member of UZLAC are engaged in different function at Upazila & Union level. We should own the initiative to disseminate legal aid information. So that if he/she needs legal aid service can go to the district legal aid office. The legal aid office should increase coordination in every Upazila & Union for that people get better service from DLAO. We will arrange a bi-Month meeting in due time.

  • Courtyard Meeting-08 No-ward, Saturia Union, Rajapur, Jhalokathi
  • Miking-Chenchri Rampur Union Kathalia
  • UPLAC bi-Month Meeting-Basanda Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi
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  • UZLAC bi-Month Meeting-Nalchity Upazila
Courtyard Meeting-08 No-ward, Saturia Union, Rajapur, Jhalokathi1 Miking-Chenchri Rampur Union Kathalia2 UPLAC bi-Month Meeting-Basanda Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi3 UPLAC bi-Month Meeting-Keora Union, Jhalokathi Sadar, Jhalokathi4 UZLAC bi-Month Meeting-Nalchity Upazila5

Govt. LAS Miking:
Sharna Rani, Student, ward no-02, Chenchri Rampur Union, Kathalia, Jhalokathi Mobile no-01714-988192, I have heard legal aid through Courtyard meeting before. I have discussed this with my classmates & relatives. If any program will be arranged in my college I will disseminate this massage. Through this miking, at a time many people can know information about legal aid services.